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On the Issue of the Profile Education in General Education Organizations of the City of Moscow: Current Status. Problems and Directions of Development

Theory and Practice of Educating and Upbringing


  • Afanasyev Vladimir
  • Kunitsyna Svetlana Michailovna
  • Feschenko Tatyana Sergeevna
  • Vasilieva Marina Alekseevna


The article analyzes the existing system of profile education in the city of Moscow. The authors determine the leading directions of profiling and give the results of monitoring of teachers on the issues of profile training.
1. Afanas'yev V.V., Vasil'yeva M.A., Kuniсy'na S.M., Feshchenko T.S. Modelirovanie processa organizacii profil'nogo obucheniya dlya raboty' v naukoyomkix otraslyax gorodskogo xozyajstva goroda Moskvy' // Problemy' sovremennogo pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya. Ser. «Pedagogika i psixologiya». Nauchny'j zhurnal. Yalta: RIOGPA. 2016. Vy'p. 53. Ch. VI. S. 21-33.
2. Afanas'yev V.V., Vasil'yeva M.A., Kuniсy'na S.M., Feshchenko T.S. Upravlenie kachestvom profil'nogo obucheniya v obshheobrazovatel'ny'x organizaciyax goroda Moskvy' // Problemy' sovremennogo pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya. Ser. «Pedagogika i psixologiya». Nauchny'j zhurnal. Yalta: RIOGPA, 2016. Vy'p. 53. Ch. VII. S. 3-10.
3. Profil'noe obuchenie v gorode Moskve // Tematicheskoe prilozhenie zhurnala «Vestnik moskovskogo obrazovaniya». M.: Shkol'naya kniga. 2015. № 2. 32 s.
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