Home Releases 2017, №3 (41)

Conceptual Approach to the Development of the Tutoring System of Teaching High School Students

Theory and Practice of Educating and Upbringing


  • Lyakh Yulia Anatolyevna


This article describes the concept of a tutoring system of teaching high school students, which is considered as a coordinated controlled system that ensures the efficincy of the implementation of the multifunctional tutor's activity and the creation of a comfortable learning environment that allows high school students to identify independently their educational (professional) goals and means of building individual learning paths that is based on the ideas of personal approach and pedagogy of facilitation, which takes into account the psychological and activity characteristics of an individual and facilitate the process of familiarizing learners with new knowledge.

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Lyakh, Y. A. (2017). Conceptual Approach to the Development of the Tutoring System of Teaching High School Students Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2017, №3 (41),
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