Home Releases 2016, №1 (35)

The Dialectical Structure of Fairy Tales in the Zone of Proximal Development of the Child



  • Shiyan Olga Alexandrovna


The article analyses the ability of preschool children to understand the dialectical structures of a fairy tale. The study shows that during the clinical interview with the use of such means as visual model and dialectical scheme, it is possible to identify the zone of proximal development of dialectical thinking of preschoolers. The author concludes that the tale is a resource for the development of dialectical thinking, which can be fully mas­tered in the conditions of special problematizing dialogue between an adult and a child.

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Shiyan, O. A. (2016). The Dialectical Structure of Fairy Tales in the Zone of Proximal Development of the Child Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2016, №1 (35),
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