Home Releases 2015, №1 (31)

Experience of Organization of Export of Educational Services in the Countries — New "Players" of the World Market (on the Example of Qatar and New Zealand)

Сomparative Education


  • Furman Boris Anatolievich
  • Balakhnin Mixail Mixailovich


The article presents the experience of organization of export of educational services in Qatar and New Zealand, two small countries that have not previously played a signifi­cant role in the global market. The authors point out great economic and political potential of this sphere of activity and also its prospects for development of Russian higher profes­sional education

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Furman, B. A. & Balakhnin, M. M. (2015). Experience of Organization of Export of Educational Services in the Countries — New "Players" of the World Market (on the Example of Qatar and New Zealand) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2015, №1 (31),
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