Home Releases 2018, №2 (44)

Gender Peculiarities of Senior Pisupils' Preparedness for Qualification Tests in a Foreign Language

Psychology , UDC: 37.015.3


  • Klyuchko Olga Ivanovna
  • Perminova Galina Valeryevna
  • Surmava Nino Romanovna


The article is devoted to the analysis of gender peculiarities of senior students' readi­ness to pass qualification tests in foreign language. The presence of gender specific features of senior pupils' readiness for qualification testing in a foreign language is stated. Boys' and girls' educational needs and the directions for further training are deined.

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Klyuchko, O. I., Perminova, G. V. & Surmava, N. R. (2018). Gender Peculiarities of Senior Pisupils' Preparedness for Qualification Tests in a Foreign Language Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2018, №2 (44),
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