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Theory and Practice of Professional Training , UDC: 159.9; 378 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2024.18.3.04


  • Pautova Lyudmila E. PhD in Psychology


The relevance of the paper is substantiated by the fact that at present, the digital learning environment (DLE) of educational organizations of different levels is shaped by an advanced environment for creating educational and professional knowledge, accumulating intellectual and creative potentials of educational and professional communities. Therefore, digital didactics within the system of continuing professional training (CPT) is characterized by its ability to balance the interests of all stakeholders, such as the subjects of professional training organizations, namely, students, the labor market, and industry organizations. The purpose of this study was to study and identify special aspects of digital learning environment development for continuing professional training of adults. The research methods include theoretical and logical methods, the method of systemic analysis, and the method of generalization. The research findings include: systematization of the regulative acts on the development of DLE for CPT programs; identification of the indicators of the digital infrastructure development within the CPT system of the Russian Federation during the period of 2020–2022; identification of the structural-content and psychological-didactic characteristics of different CPT programs for land reclamation workers within DLE. The scientific significance of the study is based on the fact that for the first time the regulative and didactic features of providing DLE within CPT for land reclamation industry of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation have been specified, allowing to identify industry-specific features and factors of development of the professional and learning environment for industry workers as a potential opportunity to introduce digital technologies and platform solutions into reclamation organizations. The practical significance of the study lies in the identification for the first time of the psycho-didactic elements of the learning content of the CPT and professional development programs in the DLE based on the experience of the Training Resource Center for additional professional training of the All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Water Supply Systems “Raduga” (Kolomna, the Moscow region); development of directions for its improvement in the DLE of CPT for land reclamation industry. The results of the study may be used to improve the process of implementing CPT programs for industry workers. This will allow to 1) develop a unified systemic mechanism for regulatory, methodological and didactic provision of the DLE within CPT for land reclamation industry in the Russian Federation; 2) timely identify the trends in the professional development of employees within the framework of CPT programs in DLE; 3) update the DLE of the system of continuing professional training for land reclamation workers.

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Pautova, L. E. (2024). ORGANISATION OF DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT WITHIN THE SYSTEM OF CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 18 (3), 59. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2024.18.3.04
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