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Special Pedagogy and Special Psychology , UDC: 376.112.4 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2024.18.3.06


  • Manuylova Viktoria V. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
  • Guseynova Ascha A. PhD in Psychology


The article discusses the key issues of creating an inclusive learning environment in colleges and technical schools for young people with disabilities and deviations of psycho-physical development. The article includes a detailed analysis of international and Russian modern research in the field of vocational training of young people with disabilities. The paper describes the diagnostic tools that allow assessing the level of readiness of vocational training organizations to implement inclusive practices. The diagnostic tools allow for a comprehensive assessment of the conditions for the implementation of inclusive processes at the socio-pedagogical, personal activity-based, organizational and didactic levels from the perspective of different participants in the training of students with disabilities and deviations in psycho-physical development. The paper presents a study of special conditions created at colleges and technical schools in different regions of the country that are aimed at raising the demand of vocational training among prospective students with disabilities and deviations of psycho-physical development and their parents, as well as improving the quality of vocational training of such students. During the diagnostic procedures, a SWOT analysis of the environment of colleges and technical schools was carried out, which made it possible to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the arrangement of an inclusive environment at different vocational training organizations which participated in the study. The study findings include identifying the risks and opportunities of the development of inclusive professional training, including vocational training, taking into account the special aspects of the local labor market and the longterm development programs of the considered regions of Russia. The cluster analysis used in the study made it possible to identify the levels of creating special conditions for students with disabilities and deviations of psycho-physical development, to describe the characteristics of the levels, to define the prospects for the development of an inclusive learning environment at each vocational training organization which participated in the study.

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Manuylova, V. V. & Guseynova, A. A. (2024). THE DYNAMICS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPECIAL CONDITIONS AT VOCATIONAL TRAINING ORGANIZATIONS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 18 (3), 91. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2024.18.3.06
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