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Psychology , UDC: 37.013.42 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2024.18.3.08


  • Gonokhova Tamara A.
  • Blagovskaya Evgenia V.


The relevance of the study of special aspects of socio-psychological support of adolescents prone to suicidal behavior in an educational organization is due to the fact that Russia ranks sixth in the world in terms of the number of suicides among all age groups. The explanation for this trend is that many modern teenagers are unable to find a positive meaning in their own lives due to the destruction of old values and traditions, the replacement of live communication with Internet communication, lack of reflection and empathy, lack of effective conflict resolution skills, etc. The prevention of suicidal behavior in adolescence is an urgent topic and requires a unified approach to implement socio-psychological support for adolescents at educational organizations. In this regard, this study is aimed at identifying the causes of suicidal behavior of adolescents, developing a program of socio-psychological support for adolescents prone to suicidal behavior at educational organizations. The leading method of the study was survey method, which made it possible to identify the level of propensity of adolescents to suicidal behavior. The study sample included 30 teenagers. The results allowed us to identify adolescents who constitute a latent group of suicidal risk. The necessity of providing socio-psychological support for this group of adolescents is substantiated. The effectiveness of the implemented program of support is proved in the areas of preventing suicidal behavior, developing positive attitude to life through self-acceptance, expansion of self-control and psychological protection skills in difficult life situations, combining individual and group work with adolescents prone to suicidal behavior. The results of the study enable taking into account the special aspects of socio-psychological support of adolescents prone to suicidal behavior at educational organizations; the program developed by the authors promotes effective work with such adolescents.

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Gonokhova, T. A. & Blagovskaya, E. V. (2024). SPECIAL ASPECTS OF SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF ADOLESCENTS PRONE TO SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR IN AN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 18 (3), 122. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2024.18.3.08
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