Dissemination of Experience in Designing Professional Modules in Pedagogical University

The article presents an innovative model of designing educational modules on the ex­ample of the construction of a professional training program of bachelors in the direction “Special (defectological) education.” The authors describe the practical steps of modeling of individual educational trajectories, which corresponds to the actual processes of mod­ernization of teacher education. Specifcity of vocational […]

Competence-Based Practices and Educational Policy

The article raises the issue of organizing the transition from industrial, closed educa­tional systems, which supply the students with standard knowledge, to open educational systems providing full realization of competence-based approach. The matter is considered through three focuses — anthropological, institutional and organizational and managerial. The philosophical analysis of process of competences formation through forming […]

The Social Project and the Social Projection in the Educational and Upbringing Process of the School: the Ccompetence-based Approach

The possibility of organizing the educational and upbringing process, aimed at achie­ving new educational outcomes, by means of the social projection is considered in the ar­ticle. Social projection in a school is presented as specifc activity of the teaching staff, which leads to numerous and successful social projects of students, high pedagogical potential of which […]