Choice of Life Path as an Object of Philosophical and Sociological Analysis

The article considers the topical problem — choice of life path as an object of philo­sophical and sociological analysis, the examination of which is necessary for the pointing out of methodological guiding lines in the analysis of choices of life path by a person as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon. The author analyzes the philosophical approaches to […]

Diagnosis of Students’ Abilities to Research and Design as a Pedagogical Task

Diagnosis of students‘ abilities to conduct academic research and implement their own creative projects is an important pedagogical task. Without solving it, the work of teachers in this direction can not be effective. The article is devoted to the central issue of the diag­nostics – instrumental description of research and design as theoretical constructs, which […]

Features of Personality of the Elderly People Included in Creative Activity

The article is devoted to the study of personality traits of elderly people. The author summarizes the results of the analysis of interviews with elderly creative persons and refec­tions of well-known scientists on the potential of their creative possibilities. Features of personality of the elderly people included in the creative activity and who managed to […]