Home Releases 2018, №2 (44)

Formation of Ideas about Children with Mental Disorders and the Ways of Psychological Support to Them from the 30s of the XX Century till the Beginning of the XXI Century

The History of Pedagogical and Psychological Education , UDC: 159.9(09)


  • Vachkov Igor Viktorovich
  • Galieva Marina Gennadievna


The paper presents the results of historical and psychological analysis of the evolu­tion of ideas about children with mental disorders and the ways of psychological support to them in different scientific fields and schools. In the thirties of the XX century there was a tendency in psychology and psychotherapy which became more and more vivid during the last century and became almost universally recognized position in the zero years of the 21st century. It is about considering a child with psychopathology as a subject of therapeutic relationships, as an equal participant in the therapeutic process.

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Vachkov, I. V. & Galieva, M. G. (2018). Formation of Ideas about Children with Mental Disorders and the Ways of Psychological Support to Them from the 30s of the XX Century till the Beginning of the XXI Century Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2018, №2 (44),
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