Home Releases 2015, №3 (33)

Choice of Life Path as an Object of Philosophical and Sociological Analysis

The History of Pedagogical and Psychological Education


  • Arapova Polina Iosifovna


The article considers the topical problem — choice of life path as an object of philo­sophical and sociological analysis, the examination of which is necessary for the pointing out of methodological guiding lines in the analysis of choices of life path by a person as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon. The author analyzes the philosophical approaches to life, points out the essential characteristics of the choice of life path. The importance of the problem of choice of life path is undoubted for the education of modern students and the formation of a subject’s position of seniors, that is necessary for conscious and free choice of life path.
1. 1.   Baxtin M.M. Problemy’ tvorchestva Dostoevskogo. Kiev: Next, 1994. 509 s.
2. 2.   Gegel G.W. F. Raboty’ razny’x let: v 2 t / Sost. A.V. Guly’ga. T. II. M.: My’sl’, 1970, 1971. 630 s. (Seriya «Filosofskoe nasledie».)
3. 3.   Karmazina E.V. Svoboda v sub’ekt-ob’ektnoj paradigme: avtoref. dis. … d-ra flos. nauk. Novosibirsk, 2012. 48 s.
4. 4.   Kogan L.N. Cel’ i smy’sl zhizni cheloveka. M.: My’sl’, 1984. 112 s.
5. 5.   Lapin N.I. Social’ny’e cennosti i reformy’ v krizisnoj Rossii // Sociologicheskie issledovaniya. 1993. № 9. S. 17–28.
6. 6.   Psixologicheskie problemy’ samorealizacii lichnosti / Pod red. E.F. Ry’balko, L.A. Korosty’lyovoj. Vy’p. 4. SPb.: Izd-vo SPb. un-ta, 2000. 252 s.
7. 7.   Sartr Zh.-P. By’tie i nichto. Opy’t fenomenologicheskoj ontologii. M.: Respublika, 2000. 195 s.
8. 8.   Tugarinov V.P. O cennostyax zhizni i kul’tury’. L.: LGU, 1960. 156 s.
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