- Ivanova Elena Vladimirovna
- Vinogradova Irina Anatol’evna
- Nikitaeva Marina Valentinovna
The authors of the article developed the concept of a universal environment of Moscow City Teachers' Training University, highlighting the main principles of its organization: openness, versatility, safety, universality, focusing on the individualization of the educational process, etc. As an example of transformation the authors give a redesign project of the Institute of Culture and Arts, as well as 3D-projects of recreational spaces of the main building of the University, made in 5D Planner program.
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Ivanova, E. V., Vinogradova, I. A. & Nikitaeva, M. V. (2016). Development of the Concept of a Universal Environment of Moscow City Teachers' Training University Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2016, №2 (36),
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