Home Releases 2017, №1 (39)

Dynamics of Professional Motivation of Future Teachers in the Conditions of Reflexive-Activity Teaching Management of Younger Schoolchildren's Research and Project-Based Activity

Pedagogical Education


  • Aleksandr Savenkov
  • Afanasieva Zhanna Viktorovna


The article presents the results of an empirical study of changes in the hierarchy of motivation of professional activity of future primary school teachers to lead the research and design activity of younger schoolchildren in the conditions of application of reflexive-activity approach to professional training.

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Aleksandr, S. . & Afanasieva, Z. V. (2017). Dynamics of Professional Motivation of Future Teachers in the Conditions of Reflexive-Activity Teaching Management of Younger Schoolchildren's Research and Project-Based Activity Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2017, №1 (39),
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