Home Releases 2016, №3 (37)

Evaluation of Reflective Abilities of Teachers and Their Development with the Help of Scales for a Comprehensive Assessment of Quality of Education ECERS-R



  • Le-van Tatiana Nikolaevna
  • Zadadaev Sergey Alekseevich
  • Shiyan Igor B.
  • Shiyan Olga Alexandrovna


This article updates the use for comprehensive assessment of the quality of preschool education of scales ECERS-R as a tool for self-development of pre-school education system. The results of the study carried out in 2016 of opinions of workers of preschool educational organizations on individual quality criteria expressed in the indicators of scales, and their presence in their own practice, are compared with an expert assessment of the quality of pre­school education, received in the course of testing the scales in 2015. On the basis of this testing the authors present recommendations on the use of scales to improve the reflective abilities of teachers in the process of their professional development.

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Le-van, T. N., Zadadaev, S. A., Shiyan, I. B. & Shiyan, O. A. (2016). Evaluation of Reflective Abilities of Teachers and Their Development with the Help of Scales for a Comprehensive Assessment of Quality of Education ECERS-R Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2016, №3 (37),
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