Home Releases 2016, №3 (37)

Monitoring of Status of Professional Identity of Bachelors Students

Problems of Professional Training


  • Borisova Marina Michailovna
  • Ilyushina Natalia Nikolaevna
  • Shcherbakova Tatiana Vladimirovna


The article reveals the concept of professional identity. The authors describe the me­thods of the realization of professional identity of students of the university, carried out monitoring of status of professional identity of bachelor students.

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Borisova, M. M., Ilyushina, N. N. & Shcherbakova, T. V. (2016). Monitoring of Status of Professional Identity of Bachelors Students Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2016, №3 (37),
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