Home Releases 2018, №1 (43)

Psychological Diagnostics of Students' and Teachers' and Parents' Attitude to School2



  • Yasvin Vitold A.


The article contains the main methodological positions of outstanding domestic psy­chologists (A.F. Lazursky, V.M. Bekhterev, M.Ya. Basov, V.N. Myasishchev, B.F. Lomov), who have formed theoretical approaches to the study of subjective relations of a personality. The system of parameters characterizing subjective relations is considered. A theoretical construct and a diagnostic apparatus of a methods for studying the attitude towards school, as well as an algorithm for processing empirical data is presented. The examples of psycho­logical and pedagogical analysis and development of programmes for correcting students', teachers' and parents' attitudes toward school.

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Yasvin, V. A. (2018). Psychological Diagnostics of Students' and Teachers' and Parents' Attitude to School2 Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2018, №1 (43),
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6. 5. Lazurskij A.F. K ucheniyu o psixicheskoj aktivnosti. Novy'e e'ksperimental'ny'e danny'e // Voprosy' filosofii i psixologii. 1916. Kn. IV (134). S. 201-251.
7. 6. Lazurskij A.F., Frank S.L. Programma issledovaniya lichnosti v eyo otnosheniyax k srede // Russkaya shkola. 1912. Kn. 1. S. 1-24.
8. 7. Lomov B.F. Metodologicheskie i teoreticheskie problemy' psixologii. M., 1984.
9. 8. Myasishhev V.N. Lichnost' i nevrozy'. L., 1960.
10. 9. Yasvin V.A. Psixologiya otnosheniya k prirode. M.: Smy'sl, 2000.
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