Home Releases 2016, №4 (38)

Statistical Premises of Elaboration of the Model of Development of the Outstanding Learners' Abilities



  • Komarov Roman Vladimirovich
  • Smirnova Darya Sergeevna


In the article for the irst time the authors describe a dependence of percentage representation of talented learners of various categories, which were pointed out in the study of psychological features of talented learners of Moscow schools, from the psychological specifics of these categories (the RIA model (the result - the idea - the achievement)). The project of structure of model of development of outstanding abilities of students with the signs of talent with the aim to prepare them for successful performance in competitive events.

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Komarov, R. V. & Smirnova, D. S. (2016). Statistical Premises of Elaboration of the Model of Development of the Outstanding Learners' Abilities Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2016, №4 (38),
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