Home Releases 2015, №4 (34)

The Formation of Psychological and Pedagogical Direction of Studying the Problem of Mental Retardation of Children in the Context of School Poor Progress

The History of Pedagogical and Psychological Education


  • Morgachyova Elena Nikolaevna


The article considers formation of psychological and pedagogical direction of studying the mental retardation of children. The main stages of formation assistance to this group of children are revealed as well as contemporary state of the problem

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Morgachyova, E. N. (2015). The Formation of Psychological and Pedagogical Direction of Studying the Problem of Mental Retardation of Children in the Context of School Poor Progress Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2015, №4 (34),
1. 1. Aktual'ny'e problemy' diagnostiki zaderzhki psixicheskogo razvitiya detej / Pod red. K.S. Lebedinskoj. M.: Pedagogika, 1982. S. 5-21.
2. 2. Voprosy' psixiatrii detskogo vozrasta. M.: Institut psixiatrii AMN SSSR 1962. 200 s.
3. 3. Deti s vremenny'mi zaderzhkami razvitiya / Pod red. T.A. Vlasovoj, M.S. Pevzner. M.: Pedagogika, 1971. 207 s.
4. 4. Psixologicheskie problemy' neuspevaemosti shkol'nikov. M.: Pedagogika, 1971.
5. 450 s.
6. 5. Primernoe polozhenie o klasse (klassakx) kompensiruyushhego obucheniya v obshhe-obrazovatel'ny'x uchrezhdeniyax. (Prilozhenie k prikazu Ministerstva obrazovaniya Ros-sijskoj Federacii ot 08.09.92 № 333).
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