Home Releases 2016, №2 (36)

The Problem of Formation of Intonation Skills of Younger Students and the Ways of its Solution

Theory and Practice of Educating and Upbringing


  • Zinovieva Tatyana Ivanovna
  • Pokatilova Natalya Bernardovna


The article describes the situation with practice of primary language education in the field of intonation teaching: pupils' notions of intonation are characterized, communi­cation and methodical potential of a teachers is depicted, opportunities of Russian language textbooks are described. The concrete ways of improving the efficiency of intonation work at school are shown in the article.
1. 1. Zinov'eva T.I. Sovershenstvovanie intonacionny'x umenij uchashhixsya // Metodika obucheniya russkomu yazy'ku i literaturnomu chteniyu: uchebnik i praktikum dlya akademi-cheskogo bakalavriata / pod red. T.I. Zinov'evoj. M.: Yurajt, 2016. S. 330-336.
2. 2. Zinov'eva T.I. Zvukovaya storona rechi i proiznositel'naya kul'tura // Nachal'naya shkola. 2014. № 7. S. 27-33.
3. 3. Kanakina V.P., Goreczkij V.G. Russkij yazy'k. 3 klass. Chast' 1: uchebnik: v 2-x ch. M.: Prosveshhenie, 2013. 159 s.
4. 4. Primernaya osnovnaya obrazovatel'naya programma obrazovatel'nogo uchrezh-deniya. Nachal'naya shkola / [sost. E.S. Savinov]. M., 2013. 223 s.
5. 5. Russkaya grammatika: nauchny'e trudy': v 2-x t. M.: Institut russkogo yazy'ka imeni V.V. Vinogradova, 2005. 1496 s.
6. 6. Federal'ny'j gosudarstvenny'j obrazovatel'ny'j standart nachal'nogo obshhego obrazovaniya. M.: Prosveshhenie, 2010. 31 s.
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