- Zinovieva Tatyana Ivanovna
- Stupenko Olga Pavlovna
This article presents the results of the research of teachers' readiness to implementation of professional activity in the field of teaching schoolchildren distant communication in the written form. The authors characterized the level of professional readiness components: understanding the importance of the work on the development of students' ability to create text-message; awareness of the essential features of the basic concepts (distant communication, speech genre, epistolary genre, etc.); knowledge of the features of content of teaching; command of effective methodical techniques.
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Zinovieva, T. I. & Stupenko, O. P. (2016). The Research of Teachers' Readiness to Implementation of Axiological Approach in Teaching Schoolchildren Distant Communication in the Written Form Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2016, №4 (38),
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