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Self-Determination of Adolescents with Intellectual Disorders in the Context of Possible Selves Construct

Special Pedagogy and Special Psychology , UDC: 376.1-056.313 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2021.56.2.09


  • Belyaeva Olga Gennadevna
  • Kogan Boris M.


The article presents the concepts of studying possible selves (hereinafter, PS) in perso­nality psychology and defines its relation with self­ determination process; studies the components of self­ determination of the personality of adolescents with intellectual disorders; defines the concepts of self consciousness, vision of future and an internal picture of disorder. Relevance of the research of self­ determination of adolescents with intellectual disor­ders in the context of possible selves construct is determined by features of their development and present conditions of sociocultural transformations of the society. The psyche of children with intellectual disability is especially fragile during adolescence, and the problem of forming self­ determination, proactive attitude to life, values and creating vision of the future comes up during this period Research objective: to study components of self­determination of adolescents with intel­ lectual disorders in the context of PS construct. Research problems: 1. To analyze and systematize scientific and methodical literature on the research problem. 2. To define the relation of self­ determination components of adolecents with intellectual disorders with PS construct. 3. To develop and test methodological tools for identification of components of self­ determination of adolescents with intellectual disorders. 4. To conduct the quantitative and qualitative analysis of empirical data. We used the following methods to achieve the research objective: bibliographic, testing, poll, essay. The presented results show that the main factors of self­determination are motivation, temporary competences and selfconsciousness. Development of these perso­nality traits of adolescents with intellectual disorders is impaires: the motivation is reduced, perception of time is complicated, the selfconsciousness is not sufficiently formed. The materials presented in the article are displayed in the practical and theoretical relevance of the research. The used methodical tools will help educational psychologists to carry out preventive work with students aimed at early diagnostics and correction of the revealed deficiencies of personal development. The results of the research can be used for the further theoretical description of this problem.

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Belyaeva, O. G. & Kogan, B. M. (2021). Self-Determination of Adolescents with Intellectual Disorders in the Context of Possible Selves Construct Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 2 (56), 149-162. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2021.56.2.09
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