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Problems of Professional Training , UDC: 371.123 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2022.16.1.03


  • Belolutskaya Anastasia K. PhD in Pedagogy
  • Mkrtchyan Vardigul Argamovna
  • Shcherbakova Tatiana Vladimirovna PhD in History


The relevance of studying the novice teachers’ professional deficits in Moscow is due to the lack of a universal and effective monitoring of the professional difficulties of novice teachers in the metropolis. In this context, this article aims to: analysis of the available research approaches for the period of teacher professional adaptation; development of a comprehensive, comparative research methods of +professional deficits; identification of ideas about the teachers’ professional deficits with more than three years work experience of two groups of respondents — teacher-mentors and young specialists; identification of hidden — unreflected deficiencies of young teachers. The leading research methods are the online survey method, which revealed the most frequent perceptions of deficits, and the focus group method, which allowed for in-depth interviews on discussion issues identified during the survey. The sample of the study includes 286 teachers from Moscow schools: 210 novice teachers (average age: 23 years) and 76 teacher-mentors (average age: 42 years). The article revealed such deficient skills of young teachers as: organizing group work of students (including discussions) in classes, forming functional literacy of students, building the educational process based on the changing interests of children and the needs of the situation in classes, resolving conflict situations. Deficiencies were identified in terms of understanding the relationship between the ability to organize the interaction of students with each other and maintaining discipline and interest in the subject; the essence and principles of leading educational technologies; independent development of work programs for the disciplines taught. The materials presented in the article make it possible to expand the perception of professional deficits. The research methodology developed by the authors promotes a more flexible and balanced approach to determining the professional deficits of young teachers, which can be used in educational organizations to identify contradictions in the ideas about professional deficits of different clusters of the pedagogical team, as well as students and the parent community.

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Belolutskaya, A. K., Mkrtchyan, V. A. & Shcherbakova, T. V. (2022). PROFESSIONAL DEFICITS OF NOVICE TEACHERS IN MOSCOW SCHOOLS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 16(1), 55. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2022.16.1.03
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