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Problems of Professional Training , UDC: 378.934:81’276.6:34 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2022.16.2.05


  • Uskova Elena O. PhD in Pedagogy, Assistant Professor
  • Putilina Evgeniya A. PhD in Philology, Assistant Professor
  • Uskova Sofya V.


Traditionally, image is considered to be the result of interpersonal interaction and is conditioned by numerous components. Professional image as an integral part of professional competence and personality of a successful specialist in any field is the object of close attention and research for specialists from various fields. They all agree on its positive and even decisive importance for effective interaction with colleagues, positive perception from others, high productivity, self-confidence, etc. Image in general and professional image in particular became the object of comprehensive research in the 1990s. However, as the analysis of developments in this area shows, the problem of its effective building have not been developed in full yet. The article analyzes the concept of image, presents its retrospective analysis, origin, and development. The authors consider the relevance of building a positive professional image of a lawyer stipulated by objective socio-cultural processes. The results of a survey conducted to identify students’ ideas about the components of a lawyer’s image are also presented. Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical publications, the main components of the professional image of a lawyer are identified. Relevant conclusions are drawn about the lack of comprehensive models and technologies for its building up to date. The didactic potential of a foreign language for the building of individual components of a lawyer’s professional image is revealed as well.

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Uskova, E. O., Putilina, E. A. & Uskova, S. V. (2022). DIDACTIC POTENTIAL OF A FOREIGN LANGUAGE FOR THE FORMATION OF SEPARATE COMPONENTS OF A PROFESSIONAL IMAGE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 16(2), 88. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2022.16.2.05
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