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Theory and Practice of Educating and Upbringing , UDC: 378.046.4 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2022.16.3.08


  • Neumyvakin Viktor S.


The self-regulation studies, including the problems of self-regulation of learning, has been on the research agenda of pedagogy, psychology and cognitive sciences for several decades. Interest in self-regulation issues has raised markedly in recent years, which is determined by both general trends in the development of the education system (a departure from directive technologies and an attempt to rely on the activity of the student himself), and situational ones (the situation of the spike in spread of distance learning in connection with the pandemic). Among the extensive list of researched issues, the problem of the relationship between the operational and personal levels of self-regulation, participation in the processes of self-regulation of educational activities of personal structures of the subject level is especially highlighted. This article is an attempt to combine the theoretical approaches and in the field of self-regulation of educational activities, approaches to the study of personal agency and approaches applied to personal and professional development. The article presents the results of a correlation empirical study that tested the assumption that there is a relationship between the levels of self-regulation and the development of subjectivity. The data obtained confirm the presence of such a relationship and its rather complex factorial composition.

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Neumyvakin, V. S. (2022). THE PROBLEM OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE LEVEL OF SELF-REGULATION OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF SUBJECTIVITY OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 16(3), 141. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2022.16.3.08
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