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The History of Pedagogical and Psychological Education , UDC: 373.2.013.43(476) DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2022.16.4.08


  • Paliyeva Tatiana V. PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor


The presented model of the development of the system of polycultural preschool education was developed on the basis of the author’s earlier fundamental historical and pedagogical study of the genesis of the theory and practice of teaching preschool children in the conditions of ethnic, religious and social diversity in Belarus. This model was developed with the aim of improving the system of polycultural preschool education, taking into account historical continuity, specific national characteristics and modern global challenges. The model includes target, content, procedural and evaluative-effective blocks. The model identifies two main areas — polylingual education and multicultural education, which is carried out in close unity with the task of forming national identity. An effective, high-quality educational system, polycultural in form and content, based on a nationally oriented concept, taking into account the specifics of historical, theoretical and ideological factors and social setting factors, will allow polycultural education to become an effective means of ensuring human security and consolidation of society, its sustainable socioeconomic development.

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Paliyeva, T. V. (2022). MODEL OF IMPROVEMENT OF POLYCULTURAL PRESCHOOL EDUCATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 16(4), 131. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2022.16.4.08
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