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Psychology , UDC: 159.95 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2022.16.4.05


  • Mantsulich Valeria V.


The article considers cognitive psychology as one of the central branches in modern psychological science. The paper provides brief information about the emergence of this industry, as well as the contribution of domestic scientists to its development. The analysis of domestic and foreign studies aimed at understanding the concepts of “cognitive abilities” and “metacognitive abilities” is presented. The structure of metacognitive abilities is analyzed. Two polar approaches to the emergence and development of metacognitive abilities are presented. The article raises the problem of the development of metacognitive abilities of older preschool children. Cognitive psychology is a branch of psychology that studies cognitive processes. Cognitive development of personality is one of the most urgent problems in psychological and pedagogical science. One of the main concepts in cognitive psychology is the concept of “cognitive abilities”. In psychology, there is no single approach to the definition of the concept of “cognitive abilities” and to their structure. In general, cognitive abilities are interpreted as abilities in cognition (cognition as activity). In the structure of cognitive abilities, metacognitive abilities are singled out — these are certain knowledge of the subject about the process of thinking and cognition in general, as well as control and regulation of this process using different cognitive strategies and styles. The level of development of metacognitive abilities determines the content, course, effectiveness of cognitive activity and the presence of metacognitive competence. However, at the present stage of development of science, there are two opposing views on the formation and development of human metacognitive abilities, there is a contradictory position on the age limits of their occurrence and development. Consequently, metacognitive abilities currently remain the most relevant, but the least studied component of cognitive abilities.

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Mantsulich, V. V. (2022). THE HISTORY OF THE COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY FORMATION AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF VIEWS ON THE PROBLEM OF A PERSON’S COGNITIVE AND METACOGNITIVE ABILITIES Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 16(4), 90. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2022.16.4.05
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