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Problems of Professional Training , UDC: 378 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2023.17.1.02


  • Zhukova Natalya V. PhD in Chemical, Assistant Professor
  • Lyapina Olga A. PhD in Pedagogical, Assistant Professor


Technologization of education increases the role of project-based professional activities of pedagogical university students. We have been witnessing a search for new forms and methods of teaching in this direction, as well as modernization of the system of assessing future teachers’ project-related competencies. The purpose of this study was, based on a review of regulatory documents and scientific literature, as well as on generalization of the experience of professional training of pedagogical university students, to define the concept of “a chemistry teacher’s project-related competence”, clarify related terminology, and propose a method for assessing the formation level of a future chemistry teacher’s project-related competencies. The study focused on such aspects of a model of project-related competency development as criteria-based assessment and effectiveness. The developed system for assessment of professional competencies comprises three major components: the goal, the content, and the procedure. The data obtained in the course of testing the system and the prepared assessment tool bank showed that the assessment tools allow to determine the level of project-related competencies, as well as reveal the existing educational deficits and make adjustments to the educational process with a view to improving its effectiveness

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Zhukova, N. V. & Lyapina, O. A. (2023). ASSESSING THE LEVEL OF FORMATION OF FUTURE CHEMISTRY TEACHERS’ PROJECT-RELATED COMPETENCE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 17(1), 32. https://doi.org/ 10.25688/2076-9121.2023.17.1.02
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