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Special Pedagogy and Special Psychology , UDC: 376.37 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2023.17.1.10


  • Ekzhanova Elena A. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
  • Selenkova Alyona A.


The article presents a study on the problem of the use of information and communication technologies in the process of speech therapy correction of violations of the semantic side of speech in older preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment. The existing inconsistencies between the demand of society to improve the quality of education of preschoolers with this speech pathology, the practical need for the use of new technologies and the vagueness of criteria for their use in the correctional and pedagogical process determine the relevance of studying this problem. In this regard, the purpose of this article is to reveal the specifics of special educational conditions in the formation of lexical and grammatical structure and coherent speech in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment in the conditions of using ICT-technologies. The leading research methods were the methods of questioning, observation and conversation. The study sample included 96 children with general speech underdevelopment (level II, III and IV) aged 5–7 years. The article reveals the peculiarities of the state of the semantic side of speech in children of this category; groups of preschoolers with individually differentiated features in the assimilation of the content of the correctional and educational process through information and communication technologies are identified; special educational conditions implemented through ICT-technologies are determined. It is proved that information and communication technologies provide an opportunity for a child with a general underdevelopment of speech to realize his potential with various individual typological features. The materials presented in the article allow us to conclude that, regardless of the level of speech underdevelopment, children with this speech pathology perceive stimulation by ICT-technologies to varying degrees, showing a certain activity. Therefore, special educational conditions implemented through information and communication technologies should take into account the personal characteristics of each child, determining the variability of the correctional and pedagogical process

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Ekzhanova, E. A. & Selenkova, A. A. (2023). THE SPECIFICS OF SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL CONDITIONS IN THE FORMATION OF LEXICAL AND GRAMMATICAL STRUCTURE AND COHERENT SPEECH IN PRESCHOOLERS WITH ONR IN THE PROCESS OF USING ICT-TECHNOLOGIES Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 17(1), 186. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2023.17.1.10
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