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Pedagogical Education , UDC: 37.022 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2023.17.4.03


  • Fedorenkо Elena Yu. PhD in Psychology
  • Dreytser Sofya I.
  • Ostroverkh Angelina I.


The relevance of this study is due to the need to develop students’ ability for self-determination in a situation of uncertainty. It is important for students to master both subject competencies, and the ability to discover their own lack of knowledge in an ever-changing situation of uncertainty, as well as independently plan their own learning. It is essential for students to acquire such tools of self-determination that will support them in coping with the world’s uncertainty and creating foundations for their own choice and decision-making. In this regard, the purpose of this article is to study the mechanisms of self-determination and the activity-based nature of self-determination. The methods of this study are based on the school of cultural-historical psychology and the methodology of the activity-based approach in psychology and pedagogy. The theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of the concept “self-determination” include the works of psychologists, methodologists and teachers involved in research and development of innovative psychological and pedagogical practices. The results of the study include a theoretical analysis of the concept and mechanisms of self-determination based on the works of Russian and international scientists, a description of creating self-determinative conditions for undergraduate students enrolled in the program “Entrepreneurship in Education” at the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences. The article discusses the connection of self-determination with the university learning space and the development of students’ reflective attitudes in the process of learning. The article presents conclusions on the approaches to learning space organization and development of students’ reflective attitudes towards the learning space that contribute to self-determination. The practical value of the article is the possibility of application of the described mechanism of self-determination for further experimental research on the organization of students’ self-determination.

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Fedorenkо, E. Y., Dreytser, S. I. & Ostroverkh, A. I. (2023). SELF-DETERMINATION AND REFLEXIVE ACTION OF STUDENTS IN THE LEARNING SPACE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 17(4), 42. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2023.17.4.03
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