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Problems of Professional Training , UDC: 159.9 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2023.17.4.08


  • Postavneva Irina Vasilievna Ph.D. in Psychology, associate professor
  • Postavnev Vladimir Mikhailovich Ph.D. in Psychology, associate professor
  • Klyuchko Olga Ivanovna Doctor of Philosophy, associate professor
  • Listik Elena M. PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor
  • Kosyak Victoria V.
  • Frolovа Evgeniya V. PhD in Psychology


The relevance of the study of educational and psychological effects within the training programs based on the “2 + 2 + 2” model is due to its high potential for improving the psychological literacy of first-year students as a requirement for their successful adaptation within the university educational system. The article considers the possibilities to develop the psychological competencies of student teachers by introducing this model into university practice. The model enables the internal academic mobility of undergraduate students, starting from their first year, and makes their learning more differentiated and customized. The aim of the study was to analyze the educational and psychological effects of the “2 + 2 + 2” model within the learning process by conducting a survey of first-year undergraduate students. The respondents included 139 first-year students who enrolled in 2022 in the field of study 44.00.00 “Education and Pedagogical Sciences”. The questionnaire used in the survey was “Motivational reasons for choosing pre-profile modules by 1st year students”. The results of the survey of the first-year students enrolled in the programmes based on the “2 + 2 + 2” model, showed that students choose pre-profile modules not only to obtain professional knowledge, but to understand themselves and others, to regulate their physical and emotional state. The study showed that along with the striving to obtain the preferred profile of training, students choose variable pre-profile modules because of their need to solve the most pressing problems connected with becoming students, including development of new social roles, adaptation to university, development of professional competencies.

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Postavneva, I. V., Postavnev, V. M., Klyuchko, O. I., Listik, E. M., Kosyak, V. V. & Frolovа, E. V. (2023). MOTIVATIONAL GROUNDS AND EDUCATIONAL EFFECTS OF FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS’ CHOICE OF PRE-PROFILE MODULES WITHIN THE EDUCATIONAL MODEL “2 + 2 + 2” Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 17(4), 133. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2023.17.4.08
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