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Special Pedagogy and Special Psychology , UDC: 376.112.4 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2023.17.4.12


  • Ekzhanova Elena A. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
  • Nazarova Lyudmila L.


The younger preschool age is a time of active psychological and physical development of a child, when mental processes that affect cognitive development are formed. That is why sensory development during this period is especially important. The problem of sensory development of children with delay of mental development is even more pressing. The primary disturbances in the structure of defect that such children might have slow down the development of the sensory sphere. Fine arts and engineering design are effective means of sensory education and upbringing of children with mental development delay. However, the organization and the content of correctional work in this area have not been fully developed either in scientific or practical terms. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to describe special aspects of the sensory sphere of children of primary preschool age with mental development delay, as well as the organization of correctional and developmental work on sensory development during fine arts and engineering design classes. The main research methods included observation and interview. The study sample included 197 children aged 3–4 years: 76 children with mental development delay of various origins. For greater objectivity of the picture, we included in the ascertaining experiment 67 children with normal mental development and 54 children with intellectual disabilities. The article reveals the features of the perception of color, shape, size of objects, and touch experienced by children with mental development delay. The article identifies the levels of sensory development of children with mental development delay, as well as substantiates the effectiveness of the model suggested in this study that was used to organize correctional and developmental work for the sensory development of children of primary preschool age with mental development delay during the fine arts and engineering design classes. The model developed by the authors enables effective organization of individual and differentiated correctional assistance to children with mental development delay.

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Ekzhanova, E. A. & Nazarova, L. L. (2023). ORGANIZATION OF CORRECTIONAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL WORK ON THE SENSORY DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN OF YOUNGER PRESCHOOL AGE WITH DELAY OF MENTAL DEVELOPMENT DURING FINE ARTS AND ENGINEERING DESIGN CLASSES Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 17(4), 207. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2023.17.4.12
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