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Pedagogical Education , UDC: 371.833.1 DOI: 371.833.1


  • Asonova Ekaterina Andreevna PhD (Pedagogy)
  • Kikteva Ksenia Sergeevna PhD (Pedagogy)
  • Senenko Olesya Vladimirovna Ph.D. in Philology, associate professor


The topicality of this study is substantiated by the fact that sports clubs have become an indispensable component of the Russian school education; however, a sports club has not yet been conceptualized as a component of the learning process. This study was aimed at designing a model that reflects a school sports club functioning as an interaction tool for all educational stakeholders in an educational institution. The research methods applied in the study include literature review of the Russian and international scientific papers on the issue, content analysis of the data published on the Internet related to the functioning of school sports clubs, conducting interviews with sports clubs’ leaders, and modeling a functional school sports club. The results of the study include defining the position of a school sports club within an educational institution, revealing its educational potential, identifying the methods and practices of involving learners, teachers and parents in the school community, as well as the most effective ways of media coverage of sports clubs’ activities. Additionally, we have specified the way the content related to healthy lifestyle can be updated to be helpful to sports clubs’ leaders and other teaching staff. The model presented in the article displays the ways of incorporating a sports club into the structure of an educational institution, based on defining the position of various educational stakeholders: learners, parents, teachers and school administration — in the process of imbedding the issue of a healthy lifestyle in the whole school agenda. The functioning of a sports club is defined by the concepts of ‘event’ and ‘community’, which is connected with sports and competition and aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle and engaging more people interested in physical activities. The model can be used by educational institutions as a foundation for sports club development.

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Asonova, E. A., Kikteva, K. S. & Senenko, O. V. (2024). A SCHOOL SPORTS CLUB WITHIN THE STRUCTURE OF AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION: FROM RESEARCH TO MODEL Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 18 (1-1), 32. https://doi.org/371.833.1
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