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Pedagogical Education , UDC: 37.05 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2024.18.1-1.06


  • Yakubova Dilyara Dzhavdetovna PhD in Philology, Associate Professor


This article examines a rare phenomenon of a school created by a community of people with common values and interests. The purpose of the work was to reveal its features by presenting the results of a study of one such case using the case study method. The study presents the approaches to defining the concept of community as an object of study. The study provides the examples of school models that have a close connection with a certain community, including family and community schools. The “Selet” community, uniting talented children, youth and their mentors in the Republic of Tatarstan and beyond, is characterized through the prism of community-forming characteristics. The results of the study of a school created by the “Selet” community in Kazan are described using the case study method based on the interviews with community representatives, data analysis and observation. The study reveals the prerequisites and reasons for creating a school by the “Selet” community. It also describes the stages that the “Selet” community went through when creating the school, as well as the features of its organization and management. The conclusions are the following: the emergence of a school is seen by the community participants as a result of its natural development, accumulation of potential and experience, and building relationships with government agencies. A special feature of such a school is that it is organized according to a community-driven model and is managed with its direct participation.

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Yakubova, D. D. (2024). COMMUNITY-BASED SCHOOL: FROM IDEA TO IMPLEMENTATION (BASED ON THE CASE OF THE “SELET” COMMUNITY SCHOOL) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 18 (1-1), 119. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2024.18.1-1.06
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