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Psychology , UDC: 37.015.323 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2024.18.3.07


  • Belolutskaya Anastasia K. PhD in Psychology
  • Scherbakova Tatiana V. PhD in History


The current stage of society development is characterized by the predominance of the innovation sector of economy, where the most part of activities is implemented with the help of robots and information technologies. The main development factor here is investment in human capital, which generates high competition among specialists who are engaged in personality education and development. This requires new competencies from teachers connected with the development of students’ thinking and creativity. The studies related to the connection between teachers’ creative thinking and their professional competencies of working with students’ creative thinking are highly topical and of practical significance but are not sufficiently represented in scientific literature. The methodological basis of this study is the structural-dialectical approach, where the process of intellectual creativity is operationalized through the actions of dialectical thinking. The “If you think about it...” methodology was used to diagnose the dialectical thinking of teachers. An author’s case study methodology was developed to diagnose the professional competencies of teachers. The results of the study include presenting data on the effectiveness of teachers in completing the case tasks aimed at identifying the competencies related to the evelopment of creativity and dialectical thinking of students. A statistically significant correlation has been identified between the level of dialectical thinking of teachers and their professional competencies.

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Belolutskaya, A. K. & Scherbakova, T. V. (2024). THE INTERRELATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES TO DEVELOP STUDENTS’ CREATIVITY AND SCHOOL TEACHERS’ DIALECTICAL THINKING Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 18 (3), 105. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2024.18.3.07
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