- Bogatyrev Kirill A.
Knowledge control is a necessary element of the pedagogical space. With a variety of certification forms, their impact on the individual in the context of the development of distance higher education programs and the growth of the edtech segment has not been sufficiently studied. The key hypothesis of the study: when conducting mixed certification with a flexible control system, students will be more satisfied with the educational process, the impact of stress factors will be reduced. The goal is to analyze the attitude of students to control during the implementation of online programs, to assess the impact of various forms of certification activities on anxiety, stress resistance and academic performance. The main research method is empirical. The sample consisted of 350 undergraduate and graduate students from leading Russian universities. To assess the indicators, the methods of A. V. Bartashev and J. Taylor, the author’s questionnaires were used. It was revealed that there are dependencies between the selected forms of control and stress resistance, anxiety, satisfaction, and academic performance. The mixed form of certification is the most preferable for students and has the least negative impact on the psyche with high final academic performance indicators. The study can be useful in designing educational experiences in the context of digital education development.
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Bogatyrev, K. A. (2024). THE IMPACT OF VARIOUS FORMS OF ONLINE CERTIFICATION ON THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF RUSSIAN UNIVERSITIES STUDENTS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 18 (4), 110.
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