- Kurakina Elena Sergeevna
This article describes the opportunities of the information and communication educational environment to ensure the constructiveness of personal self-assertion of high school students. The author considers the most relevant services, technologies and tools: an electronic textbook; various Internet resources (websites, ready thematic catalogues, etc.); multimedia data exchange services such as Youtube / Rutube, Picasa, Realtimeboard; social networks; services of blogging and microblogging, for example, Twitter, the conscious and planned use of which contributes to the personal development and constructiveness of self-assertion of high school students due to habituality, popularity and other hidden opportunities.
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Kurakina, E. S. (2017). Opportunities of the Information and Communication Educational Environment, Contributing to the Constructiveness of Self-Assertion of High School Students Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2017, №3 (41),
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