- Vinogradova Irina Anatol’evna
An important direction of development of any educational institution is not only the implementation of the educational process, but also the creation of conditions for the upbringing of the emotional-volitional culture of senior pupils. The upbringing of the emotional-volitional culture of senior pupils is constructed according to the various directions of educational and extracurricular activities, where the translation of cultural norms, values and patterns of behaviour is implemented through modeling emotiogenic pedagogical situations. The use of emotiogenic pedagogical situations in the process of upbringing of the emotional-volitional culture of senior pupils provides natural socialization of a student, making them the subjects of their activity, and also allows them to see prospects of their personal way and to consciously implement the development of their emotional abilities.
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Vinogradova, I. A. (2016). Foundations of Upbringing of the Emotional-Volitional Culture of Senior Pupils Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2016, №2 (36),
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