Home Releases 2015, №2 (32)

The Social Project and the Social Projection in the Educational and Upbringing Process of the School: the Ccompetence-based Approach

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  • Panova Olga Vladimirovna


The possibility of organizing the educational and upbringing process, aimed at achie­ving new educational outcomes, by means of the social projection is considered in the ar­ticle. Social projection in a school is presented as specifc activity of the teaching staff, which leads to numerous and successful social projects of students, high pedagogical potential of which has a signifcant infuence on the formation of the students’ persona­lity. The competence-based approach provides to measure these results in the category of the social competence.

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Panova, O. V. (2015). The Social Project and the Social Projection in the Educational and Upbringing Process of the School: the Ccompetence-based Approach Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2015, №2 (32),
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