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Pedagogy and Education , UDC: 371.485 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2024.18.2.01


  • Ivanova Elena Vladimirovna PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor
  • Mayakova Elizaveta Vladimirovna PhD in Pedagogy
  • Barsukova Ekaterina M.


The relevance of the work is due to significant changes that are taking place in the Russian education and are associated primarily with the strengthening of the educational agenda and the development of new mechanisms that allow influencing the younger generation through active communication channels, through the activities of youth organizations and associations, youth communities. One of the main strategies of educational influence on students of educational organizations of basic/secondary general and secondary vocational education seems to be interaction and influence on them through social media, since for the modern generation of teenagers and young people, popular social media and the Internet are actively used for communication and interaction. The problem of the study lies in the fact that within the learning space of schools and colleges, virtual space is not recognized as a full-fledged component which provides a media for dynamic exchange of communicative, informational and cognitive content. Therefore, it is necessary to consider social media in the context of educational / upbringing potential, active communications between students of basic/secondary general and secondary vocational education and define how the educational work with the youth is organized through social media. The round table was one of the formats of organizing a discussion on issues of educational work. The leading research method was focus groups. In the result of the discussions, the issues of conducting educational work with students through social media in educational organizations of basic/secondary general and secondary vocational education have been clarified. The study sample consisted of 80 people from 4 educational organizations of basic/ secondary general education, and 1 organization of secondary vocational education. The materials presented in the article made it possible to build a model of involving youth communities in the educational work through social media, as well as to identify its elements: the Department of Education and Science of Moscow, organizations subordinate to the Department of Education and Science of Moscow, an educational organization, the virtual space of an educational organization, youth communities in social media, and students who are targeted by educational influence through social media; define the main objective and the tasks of the model, its target audience, principles, and mechanisms for implementing the model; provide its description. The model developed by the authors will help increase the effectiveness of educational work by involving students through social media.

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Ivanova, E. V., Mayakova, E. V. & Barsukova, E. M. (2024). MODEL OF INVOLVING STUDENTS IN EDUCATIONAL WORK THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 18 (2), 10. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2024.18.2.01
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