Socio-Psychological Prerequisites of Destabilization of Modern Russian Family

In the article the author carries out the analysis of the socio-psychological and socio-cultural factors that influence the changes, taking place in the modern Russian family, iden­tifies the trends of change in family relations, makes an attempt of understanding the pro­cess of destabilization of modern family and seeking ways to overcome it.

Modification of Methodology "Incomplete Sentences" for the Study of Educational Success of Students

In the article the authors describe validation of methodology "Incomplete sentences" for the study of educational success of students. The authors analyze the indices of reliabi­lity and validity of the methods. The theoretical and psychometric justification of deve­loped methodological tool are adduced. Results of psychometric test indicate at the pos­sibility of using developed methodology for […]

Diagnostics of Addictive Behaviour: Integrated Test

Proposed in the article the integrated test on revealing degree of adherence to addictive behaviour is methods for diagnostics the signs of addictive behaviour, related as with the use of chemicals, as with the practice of compulsive behaviour; the methods is based on universal characteristics of any addictions.