Formation of the Methodical Thinking of Future Teachers of Primary School

The article reveals the concept «methodical thinking», considers the specifics of formation of methodical thinking of primary school teachers. The article presents the materials of research of this problem on the example of implementation of a professionally-oriented approach to the study of natural science and methods disciplines.

1. Bodalev A.A., Rudkevich L.A. Kak stanovyatsya velikimi ili vy'dayushhimisya? M.: Izdatel'stvo Instituta psixoterapii, 2003. 287 s. 2. Savenkov A.I., Karpova S.I. Problema prognozirovaniya uchebnoj i zhiznennoj uspeshnosti v psixologii XX v. // Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. Seriya: G

The article is devoted to the study of the microdynamics of the creative productivity of modern scientists, using materials of electronic library eLIBRARY.RU. The authors of the study has carried out the analysis of scientific productivity of fifty scientists mathe­maticians and fifty scientists culture experts (who are included, according to site in the list […]

Approaches to the Designing of the System of State and Public Support of Educational Organizations at the Design and Implementation of Basic Educational Programs

The article presents the model of regional system of state and public support of educa­tional oiganizations at the design and implementation of basic educational programs. The authors not only describe the most relevant steps and activities for the organization of such process, but also consider the key participants and possible forms of organization of communications […]