Development of the Concept of a Universal Environment of Moscow City Teachers' Training University

The authors of the article developed the concept of a universal environment of Mos­cow City Teachers' Training University, highlighting the main principles of its organiza­tion: openness, versatility, safety, universality, focusing on the individualization of the edu­cational process, etc. As an example of transformation the authors give a redesign project of the Institute of Culture and […]

The Problem of Using non-programme Music in the Teaching Process in Secondary School

The article is devoted to the perception of non-programme music by adolescents in the con­ditions of music lesson in the secondary school. The author analyzes the state of modern music environment, under the influence of which the personality of the teenager is formed. This article considers some features of adolescent age, including the peculiarities of […]

The Problem of Voluntary Regulation of Activity at Primary Schoolchildren with Down Syndrome

The article considers the diagnostic and correction aspects of work with children with Down syndrome. The study used neuropsychological methods intended for the assessment of praxis, visual-motor coordination and serial intellectual activity of such children. The author revealed features of voluntary regulation of activity of primary schoolchildren with Down syndrome com­pared to normally developing peers, […]

Psychology of Women's Sports in the Master's Program «Sports Psychology^

The article considers the discipline «Psychology of Women's Sports». The authors analyze the sections of the discipline devoted to the history of women's sports, peculiari­ties of the organization of the training process in the women's sport and psychological characteristics of girls athletes. Particular importance is given to the concepts of «sex» and «gender».