The Prospects of Using Mobile and Network Technologies in Teaching Schoolchildren

In the article the author considers availability and features of use of personal mobile devices and network technologies by schoolchildren of different ages, living in various parts of Russia. The author discusses the possibility of using modern technologies in tea­ching and special relevance of such practices for rural schools. The view on the modern trend […]

Cyclic Representations and Development of Dialectical Structure of Thinking of Preschool Children

In the article the authors study the possibility of experimental determination of struc­ture of child's dialectical thinking using cyclic representations and apparatus of W-measure. The paper discusses the psychometric means, which help to detect the cyclic representa­tions of children which, in conjunction with the previously developed mathematical tech­niques, form a completed technique for measuring the […]

Young Child's Exploratory Behaviour in Home Environment

In the article the author made an attempt to reveal features of arranging home environ­ment of contemporary young children and to specify its inluence on manifestation of their exploratory behaviour. The longitudinal study carried out by the author allowed us to point out some factors stimulating and limiting the development of exploratory behaviour in ear­ly […]

Monitoring of Preparedness of Subjects of Educational Relations to Inclusive Education

The article presents the results of testing the diagnostic tools for monitoring of inclu­sive education of preschool children in conditions of Federal state educational standard of preschool education. The preparedness of subjects of educational relations, with varying levels of provision of education of children with disabilities, to implementation of inclusive education in conditions of Federal […]