The Level of the Formation of the Reconstructive Imagination as the Reader's Competence of Primary School Students

This article considers the problem of the formation of the reader's competence of pri­mary school students — the reconstructive imagination. The author reveals the basic terms of «reader's competence», «imagination», «reconstructive imagination», «reconstructive imagination as a component of cognitive activity». The data of the state of this important reader's competence at primary school students is […]

Implementation of Educational Support of Children with Autism with the Purpose of their Social Adaptation and Teaching Communication Skills Based on Special Educational Approaches

In the article we study the problems, determining deviations in the area of social be­haviour, development and implementation of communication skills in autistic children and implementation of educational support of children with autism with the purpose of their social adaptation and teaching communication skills based on special educational approaches and methods of teaching.

Constructivist Approach to Interpretation of Social-Cultural Practices (on the Example of Pedagogical Sciences)

In the article the author tells about modern trends of education, constructivist meth­odology and definition "social-cultural practices" in modern humanities. Philosophical approaches to the analysis of phenomenon of "practices", the pedagogical literature in­cluded are analyzed. The emphasis is made on interpretation of social-cultural practices from the standpoint of philosophical constructivism. The explicit possibilities and pros­pects […]

Organization of Project-Speech Activity of Schoolchildren in a Secondary School

The article suggests a model of organization of an independent project-speech activity of schoolchildren in a secondary school. This activity includes conditions and basic stages of development of this activity and also the criteria of its assessment. The second part of the article contains methodical materials for teachers on organization of extracurricular project activity of […]