Home Releases 2016, №4 (38)

Problems of Monitoring of Regulatory Universal Learning Activities (ULA) of Younger Schoolchildren

Theory and Practice of Educating and Upbringing


  • Balashova Elena Andreevna


The article describes the diagnostic tools for monitoring regulatory ULA of younger schoolchildren. The author revealed problems for its application. After analyzing the bank of existing methods and data about the staff of some schools, the author focuses on the need to overcome the difficulties which have arisen for the successful achievement of the objec­tives set out in the FSES of Primary General Education (PGE).

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Balashova, E. A. (2016). Problems of Monitoring of Regulatory Universal Learning Activities (ULA) of Younger Schoolchildren Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2016, №4 (38),
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