Home Releases 2015, №4 (34)

Teaching Animation and its Application in Modern Education

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  • Bakhmetyev Dmitry Andreevich


In this article we are talking about educational animation and the ways of its application in the system of modern education. In this context, the animated ilm is regarded as a versatile pedagogical tool that allows you to solve a wide variety of educational objectives. The use of ani­mation in education possible in several directions. The first cartoon can exist only as informative cartoon. Educational cartoons can act as a ready teaching material, the ability to display anything from before. Another option is an interactive training animation cartoon, where students can in­teract with animated content. The second area of application of animation in education, is a direct creation of educational cartoons, for example, students of pedagogical universities.

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Bakhmetyev, D. A. (2015). Teaching Animation and its Application in Modern Education Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2015, №4 (34),
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