Home Releases 2017, №1 (39)

The Influence of Relationship between Children and Parents on the Teenagers' Level of Cognitive Rigidity



  • Kogan Boris M.
  • Yashin Alexey Alexandrovich


In the article the authors give the results of study of manifestation of cognitive rigidity at teenagers. The hypothesis of existing of a lasting interaction between rigidity of teena­gers' thinking and their school achievements is proved. Different characteristics of relation­ships between children and parents from the point of view of possibility of their influence on examined phenomenon are studied for the irst time. The teenagers' aspiration to give socially desirable answers to questions of diagnostic methods and the degree of influence of this aspiration on the results of the main research are discussed.

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Kogan, B. M. & Yashin, A. A. (2017). The Influence of Relationship between Children and Parents on the Teenagers' Level of Cognitive Rigidity Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2017, №1 (39),
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