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Psychology , UDC: 378.016 DOI: 10.24412/2076-9121-2024-4-202-217


  • Tikhomirov Roman V.


The relevance of this study is determined by the need for theoretical support to ensure the individualization of the educational process in higher education, depending on the orientation (profile) of the educational program. The presented article reflects the results of an empirical study of academic motivation from among students of pedagogical training areas related to physical culture and sports. The study was conducted based on Petrozavodsk State University, the comparative analysis included consideration of the indicators of the control and experimental groups. As a result, a motivational profile of students was compiled, which includes a ranked list of both significant and realized academic motives. The data obtained because of mathematical processing allow us to conclude that the students of the studied group have more significant motives: getting pleasure from educational activities, preparing for life in society. The data does not differ depending on gender. An explanation of the revealed features of the motivational sphere is proposed, it is assumed that a pronounced leading activity is of particular importance, characteristic of the overwhelming number of students of pedagogical training areas related to physical culture and sports.

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Tikhomirov, R. V. (2024). MOTIVATION PROFILE FROM AMONG STUDENTS OF PEDAGOGICAL TRAINING AREAS RELATED TO PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 18 (4), 202. https://doi.org/10.24412/2076-9121-2024-4-202-217
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