Home Releases 2015, №4 (34)

The Use of Case Technology to Prepare a Teacher to the Organization of Research Activity of Younger Schoolchildren

Problems of Professional Training


  • Dobrotin Dmitry Yurievich
  • Dobrotina Irina Nurgainovna


The article reveals the expediency of the use of modern pedagogical technologies (case technologies) for the preparation of future teachers as one of the methods of forma­tion of their professional competence. The authors consider the stages of work in the limits of case technology, provide an example of case materials of which are relevant for the or­ganization of research activity of younger students.

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Dobrotin, D. Y. & Dobrotina, I. N. (2015). The Use of Case Technology to Prepare a Teacher to the Organization of Research Activity of Younger Schoolchildren Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2015, №4 (34),
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